A Worshiper’s Tools to Conquer takes you on a journey to understand worship and what it means for believers in Christ. Like no other content read on this subject, the book takes you to the core of what it will take to be an effective worshiper.
Embedded are practical tools on how to conquer expectations for worshipers based on biblical principles as well as real-life experiences. The information provided will support your understanding of worship. Included are self-study strategies to strengthen the quality output of your calling as a worshiper and a praise leader. What you will need to overcome and fully immerse yourself into the experience of worship that God has created will be awakened in your consciousness as you use the tools provided.
If your calling is to spread God’s words and messages of hope in songs, the least you can do is to equip yourself. As you do so, He will give you powers beyond your human capacities to conquer areas in your life that will prevent full and authentic worship to Him.
Learn practical tools on how to conquer expectations as worshipers based on biblical principles as well as real life experiences.
ISBN 13 (SOFT): 978-1-9736-8561-6
ISBN 13 (HARD): 978-1-9736-8560-9
ISBN 13 (eBook): 978-1-9736-8562-3